Sunday, October 11, 2009


Lisa went back to John's house with me on Saturday. We had plans to walk at the metro park this week but it didn't happen. Alex took his friend from school up with us but when we got there I found out John's dad was in the hospital. I stayed at the house while John went to visit. Lisa and I did alot of organzing we did get alot done. We did drive to the park no one was there to get a pass from and it was cold and we wasn't sure about the trails so we drove around the park and found these deers on the side of the road. I think I should start carrying my good camera.
Re: John's Dad he has a blockage on the inside of his upper leg, they're going to put in a stint to see if that helps, if not they'll do a bypass. His big toe is black and he'll probably loose it.

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