Thursday, September 14, 2006

Finally the First day Comes

School was suppossed to start on Sept 5th, but due to the teachers being on strike school didn't start until today. I thought it may have been a long battle and the kids would be out for a long time. They only missed 7 days, which they will lose 2 days on Christmas vacation 1 day on Easter break, school will end on June 21st. I was worried that he wouldn't get the teacher I wanted him to have. The principal was changing teachers around and putting them in different grades so I was worried. I requested him to have Mrs Beavers-Looney, Chelsea had her and it's the only teacher she'll go and see. This teacher is very strick but an excellent teacher, the kids will know the material before they leave her class.

1 comment:

Sbrewer said...

Wow! i didn't know the teachers were on strike! that is pretty wild! never heard of such a thing! totally inconsiderate of the children if u ask me!! glad he finally got to start though! that is great! and here my kids just got their progress reports for the month they have already been in school! how funny!