Friday, July 31, 2009

Iowa Visit

Mom and Dad went to visit Perky, they spent a few there. Linda said that she's getting into the last stages. Linda's having a hard time with her because she's being stubborn. Perky says that Linda is mean to her but Perky wont let Linda help her, she wont do what Linda tells her to do. Linda's friend can come over and tell Perky what to do and Perky will do it with no problem. Perky wears a life line around her neck, while mom and dad were there Linda was having a hard time getting her off the toilet and Perky wasn't helping so she pushes her life line. Here comes the fire department and they lift her off the pot and put her back into her chair, Linda gets nervous and upset when she does that. I think that help is getting ready to start and Linda wont be doing it alone.
Linda and Sean.

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