Saturday, October 21, 2006

A Lazy Boring Saturday

Last saturday I did a little bit of fall decorating on the front of my house. Today I decided to carve a couple pumpkins, so far I've got one finished but I need to give my hand a break. So I decided to clean off the back porch area where I've been keeping items I've bought for my new house (WHICH I'LL NEVER HAVE). I amazed at how much I have; just going through trying to see what I can throw away, I ended up getting rid of 1 garbage bag full. So Sad. Alot of it I bought on sale, at the time we were looking at houses, I assumed it happen. When it didn't I would put the items up. Each time we looked at houses I assumed this time would be the real thing, so I wanted to get ahead and have nice things for my house. Such a stupid! thing to do. No house; lots of stuff, maybe I'll end up having a real good yard sale this summer.
Now I'm tired of trying to clean the back porch, and I'm done venting, I'll go and carve my other pumpkin.

Here are my carved pumpkins, one is suppossed to be a howling wolf and the other just a face. The one in the middle is just a big ole brat, which I can't get to wear shoes when he goes out his excuse is, "I forgot"

These are just a couple shots of the front of my house, showing how little I decorated. I have a big sign of a turkey wishing everyone a happy turkey day, I'll just replace one scarecrow with the sign for November.


Judy said...

Venting is such a positive thing to do. Go for it! I think you will have a spectacular yard sale come Spring. Make a lot of money and go spoil yourself.

Judy said...

Venting is such a positive thing to do. Go for it! I think you will have a spectacular yard sale come Spring. Make a lot of money and go spoil yourself.